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Milestones for Graduate Students

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First Year

Q1 - Fall

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Take most required courses
  • LING 519 - RCR training course

Q2 - Winter

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Continue taking most required courses
  • LING 519 - RCR training course

Q3 - Spring

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Complete the most required courses
  • LING 519 - RCR training course
  • Identify Qualifying Paper (QP) advisor (must be a core faculty in the Linguistics Department):
  1. In GSTS send an invitation to the research/QP advisor
  2. Once the invitation is accepted, mark committee as complete in GSTS
  3. DGS approves QP advisor in GSTS

Q4 - Summer

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Complete the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training – LING 519

Second Year

Q5 - Fall

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Identify a Qualifying Paper second reader (can be someone outside the Linguistics Department):
  1. In GSTS send an invitation to the second research/QP advisor
  2. Once the invitation is accepted, mark committee as complete in GSTS
  3. DGS approves QP committee in GSTS

Q6 - Winter

Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)

Q7 - Spring

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Presentation of Qualifying Paper research to the Department:
  1. Present QP research at QP fest (DGS announces the date in the beginning of the Spring Quarter)
  2. The Qualifying Paper should address any comments that are received during the QP fest

Q8 - Summer

  • Full-time enrollment (3-4 units of coursework or LING590)
  • Qualifying Paper must be completed and approved by Qualifying Paper committee*:
Linguistics Department QP Submission and Approval Process
  1. Once the student and QP advisor agree that the QP is ready for review by the second reader, the student submits the QP manuscript to the DGS via e-mail. In the e-mail, please the student should cc the advisor and note that the QP is being submitted for review by the committee. (Note that this agreement does not constitute official "approval" of the QP document by the advisor, simply that the advisor agrees the document is in a form that is ready to be discussed as a committee.)
  2. The DGS contacts the QP advisor and second reader to provide feedback on the QP document.
  3. The QP advisor and second reader discuss the feedback with one another and together decide to either approve or require the student to revise and resubmit the document. This decision is relayed to the DGS.
  4. The DGS contacts the student (cc'ing the QP advisor and reader) about the decision. If revise and resubmit, the student should repeat the above steps once revisions have been made, in discussion with the advisor. If approved, the DGS responds and copies the Graduate Program Assistant (Talant) to enter the milestone in GSTS.

*This can be used to satisfy the requirements for an MA Thesis. Student needs to contact the Department office to apply for MA degree.

  • Identification of dissertation advisor:
  1. In GSTS send an invitation to the dissertation advisor (must be a core faculty in the Linguistics Department)
  2. Once the invitation is accepted, mark committee as complete in GSTS
  3. DGS approves the dissertation advisor in GSTS.

Third Year

Q9 - Fall

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500 and/or coursework)

Q10 - Winter

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500 and/or coursework)

Q11 - Spring

  • Full-time enrollment (TGS 500 and/or coursework)
  • Identification of complete dissertation committee (consists of the dissertation advisor as a chair and at least two other committee members*):
  1. In GSTS send invitation to the dissertation committee members
  2. Once the invitations are accepted, mark committee as complete in GSTS
  3. DGS approves the dissertation committee in GSTS
*If someone outside of Northwestern University is invited as a dissertation committee member, consult DGS and to set up NetID and password for that committee member.

Q12 - Summer

  • Full-time enrollment (TGS 500 and/or coursework)
  • Satisfaction of Foreign Language requirement
  • Using Plan of Study in GSTS confirm with DGS that all coursework requeirement have been completed
  • Complete and successfully defend (in a closed oral defense) a Dissertation Prospectus and advance to candidacy:
  1. Write up a dissertation prospectus and distributes it to the dissertation committee members; the dissertation committee read and comment on the prospectus
  2. Call for a meeting and defend the prospectus
  3. Once the prospectus is approved, submit Qualifying Exam and Prospectus forms in GSTS
  4. GPA approves Qualifying Exam and Prospectus forms in GSTS
  5. TGS advances the student to candidacy

Fourth Year

Q13 - Fall

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Q14 - Winter

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Q15 - Spring

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Q16 - Summer

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Fifth Year

Q17 - Fall

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Q18 - Winter

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Q19 - Spring

Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)

Q20 - Summer

  • Full-time enrollment (TGS 500)
  • Successful defense of dissertation and graduation by 08/31:
To complete the Dissertation, students must:
  1. Pass an oral defense with the full committee. A full draft of the Dissertation must be submitted to the members of the Dissertation committee at least two weeks before the defense.   
  2.  Obtain committee approval for the final Dissertation document. Following the defense, the student must make any revisions required by the committee. The full committee must approve the final document. 
  3. Present the Dissertation research in a public, colloquium style talk. If at all possible, students will give this talk during the regular academic year (i.e., not in summer) during a regular colloquium slot. The advisor must confirm that this event was a satisfactory presentation of the Dissertation research. 
  4. Store all primary data, participant records, analysis scripts, and any other research products associated with the Dissertation in an IRB-compliant format accessible to the student’s primary research advisor. 
  5. Following completion of all of the above, the student may file the thesis with the Graduate School into the ProQuest Database