Workshop Location
Call for Posters
Transportation in Chicago
Scientific Committee
Previous Workshops
Contact: [expired]
Conference booklet
(pdf; abstracts, schedule)
Papers based on selected presentations at the workshop can also be
found in special
issue of Language and Cognitive Processes (volume 23, issue 4).
Sunday, August 13th
Coffee and Registration (8:30-9:00AM)
Introduction to the workshop (9:00-9:30AM)
Integrating theories of single word and sentence
production (9:30-11:30AM)
- Introduction: F.-Xavier Alario (CRNS and Universitè de
Provence, F)
- Gary Dell (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- General discussion
Lunch on your own (11:30AM-1:00PM)
- Jubin Abutalebi (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, IT &
Universität Potsdam, D)
- Tamar Gollan (University of California, San Diego. USA)
Poster Session I (3:00-5:00PM)
Monday, August 14th
- Jens Bölte and Pienie Zwitserlood (Universität
Münster, D)
- Karin Humphries (McMaster University, C)
- Ansgar Hantsch (Universität Leipzig, D)
Lunch on your own (11:30AM-1:00PM)
- Brenda Rapp (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
- Cristina Romani (Aston University, UK)
Poster Session II (3:00-5:00PM)
Conference Dinner (6:30PM)
Tuesday, August 15th
Distributed computational approaches (9:00-11:00AM)
- Matthew Lambon-Ralph (University of Manchester, UK)
- Franklin Chang (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, J)
Sponsored by the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems
Discourse and pragmatics I (11:00AM-12:00PM)
- Jennifer Arnold (University North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
Lunch on your own (12:00-1:30PM)
Discourse and pragmatics II (1:30PM-2:30PM)
- Jean Fox Tree (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
- Kathryn Bock (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)