Directions from Union Station (Amtrak)


Metra trains are the easiest way to get from the Amtrak station to Evanston.

     From Union Station, exit the train station and get onto Canal Street. Walk north approximately two blocks until you reach the Metra Passenger Terminal (formerly called the Northwestern Station) located at Madison and Canal (it's in a big building called the Northwest Atrium Center). Take the escalators upstairs to reach the trains. Go to your left to find the ticket counter and tell the salesperson that you want to go to Davis St in Evanston. They can tell you which train to take. Tickets are $1.75, but are more expensive if you buy them on the train when the ticket counter is open. If the ticket counter is closed, Find one of the conductors out by the platform (through the revolving doors) and ask for help.

     The trip to Davis Street from downtown takes approximately 25 minutes. It will take you 10-15 minutes to walk from Davis Station to Annenberg Hall.Once you arrive at the station, exit on the Church Street side (the north side). Walk east on Church Street until you reach Chicago Avenue. Turn left and walk north on Chicago until it merges with Sheridan Road. Continue north on Sheridan Road until you reach Foster Street. Cross to the east side of Sheridan Road at the light. Continue north on Sheridan until you reach a huge parking lot. Walk all the way to the back of the lot and down a little hill, and turn left at the base of the hill, at the stop sign. On your left will be Annenberg Hall, the site of the conference, a new-looking white-stone three-story building.