The USF audiovisual phoneme database, v 1.0 Stefan A. Frisch, Sarah Hardin, Nikki Martin, Dee Adams Nikjeh, and Adrienne M. Stearns University of South Florida An audiovisual database of English speech sounds has been developed for teaching purposes. This database contains a wide variety of Standard English speech sounds produced in clear speech in isolated words. Phonemes are produced in word initial, word medial, and word final position, unless not allowed by English phonotactics. There is one example of each word spoken by a male talker of Standard American English from the Midwest. The database consists of individual word files that contain simultaneous audio recording, video of the lips and jaw, flexible endoscopic image of the pharynx and larynx, and ultrasound video of the tongue in the mid-saggital plane. The files in the database are uncompressed video avi format and are suitable for examination in the Wavesurfer freeware program in audio or video modes (Sjolander and Beskow, KTH Stockholm). This database is intended as a multimedia reference for students in phonetics or speech science. Its coverage is relatively complete, though there are some gaps due to technical difficulties with the recording procedure. A demonstration of selected recordings from the database and suggestions for their use will be presented. Plans for further development of the database will also be discussed.